Impacting Our Community

Changing Lives Together

Heart of Texas Goodwill is driving change collaboratively with community partners, employers and individuals in pursuit of our vision that all people are living their full potential and capable of contributing to their community.


Individuals received education, job-related and employment services through Goodwill Job Connections


Job placements were made through Goodwill Mission Services and Programs


Employers partnered with Goodwill to provide employment opportunities through hiring events and job fairs

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Get started on your journey today.

At Goodwill there is a path to success for everyone.

Earn a high school diploma.


The Rise Program is designed to help those looking to take their career to new heights with an accredited high school diploma. While participating in an online career based curriculum, students will receive wrap around assistance in a supportive and convenient learning environment.
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Fast track careers.


Accelerate helps participants fast track their job search capabilities with the help of a Success Coach who creates an individualized career plan tailored to best meet personal class and training needs within a specified time period.
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Connect veterans to careers.

Operation Good Jobs

Operation Good Jobs is designed to help military service members, their spouses, and immediate dependents achieve a level of independence needed to succeed and ensure participants reach their full potential in the workplace.
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Build futures without boundaries.

Vocational Adjustment Training

Vocational Adjustment Training provides classroom based learning modules designed to effectively assist participants gain skills needed to become work ready. Its focus is to build interpersonal skills related to basic traits and attitudes that will lead to successful employment.
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Foster an inclusive workforce.

Work Adjustment Training

Work Adjustment Training provides paid on-the-job training in a integrated work environment designed to help individuals acquire the skills they need in order to get a job in the community.
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Train for a better tomorrow.

Community Connects

Community Connects are valuable community resource centers that help bridge the gap between job seekers and employers by providing access to educational tools and technology.
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